English with native speaker from the UK.Английский

Helen Knights
 English with native speaker from the UK.

Сообщение Helen Knights »

Helen is from Kent (England). She has a Certificate of Education from the University of Birmingham and has been teaching for over 30 years. Helen worked a great deal with children who had learning difficulties which required patience and understanding, two qualities that she feels are very important when teaching English as a Second Language.
Since 2005, she has been teaching English as a Second Language in France and Belgium. She has taught General English and Business English, particularly, Telephone skills, Meetings and Presentations plus FCE, CAE, CPE, IELTS, Financial and Legal English preparation.
She has a variety of personalized teaching materials that are frequently used during lessons in response to student's questions or needs.
Helen believes that learning should be fun whatever the age of the student. She uses the Communicative Approach and tailors her lessons to meet the student’s needs. Her lessons are interactive using stimulating and interesting topics with the emphasis on student speaking time and building confidence to use English in real life situations.

60 euros - 90 minutes

Skype: helen.knights56

Связь возможна через переводчика в Москве: 8-905-590-10-55

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